Why my care manager?

Use my care manager to save money, time and resources.

There are numerous concierge services and employee benefits companies, but simply none offer the same personal and specialist knowledge, advice and support to people about the current social and health care sector. my care manager has knowledge of a variety of solutions around to meet support and care needs across the UK and even globally if required.


Many carers find themselves forced to give up work due to a lack of care services or flexible employment - reason enough when faced with losing skilled and trained employees. But, whilst they are employed with you, the employee may need to take time off sick, make calls at work, be distracted and therefore be less productive.

Competitive edge

Promotes recruitment and retention in an increasingly competitive market, particularly for skilled senior management and overseas placements. It helps set the scene for being an employer of choice, in turn benefiting the bottom line and shareholder peace of mind.


Use of my care manager shows an awareness of not just current issues, but insight into the future workforce needs. It pre-empts a responsive reaction once the true impact of an ageing population and workforce has already been fully realised.


There are statutory services which provide advice, visits and list of choices. However, recent government reports have evidenced that these are often dependent on who you may get on the end of a telephone line and how far they are personally willing or able to go. Otherwise, people often simply find a list of options sent in the post with little follow up, time or attention to the individual situation of those concerned. Help you employees deal with these inevitable problems as quickly and easily as possible.


And, as published reports indicate, there is ongoing evidence that people do not want to approach statutory services - and when they do not get the advice and support that they require, this often leads to inappropriate or late use of social and health care support options. So, people may leave matters to become far larger problems than  they need to, which can then results in emergency situations for them and the workplace.

my care manager will be responsible for navigating these complex health and social service systems, helping people explore options, and providing continuity of support no matter where the person is in the UK.