Eldercare Management Programme

A higher level of support and management service. Most used by employers who have already identified a need and want to introduce an additional benefit to a selected group of staff, across the entire workforce or as part of a range of flexible benefits on offer.

As well as services from the support package, the management package provides access to my care manager Care Consultants, who are qualified in health and/or social care and can give dedicated time and specialist advice on more specific areas where requested.

With options for employees to purchase further bespoke supplementary services by arrangement and with personal care planning.

An entry level product, which ensures that employers support as wide a range of employees as possible and demonstrate their commitment to addressing this vital area of demographic need, workforce planning and corporate responsibility - ahead of the competition, both predicting and meeting future need.

Caring Information

Your employees can access a wide range of fact sheets, leaflets and current information on our members’ only website, enabling them to make informed decisions about the issues that matter. We provide the latest updates about everything from home care to financial planning and specialist support and navigate the increasingly complex social and health care systems so they don’t have to.

The members' website contains a range of special offers, case examples and ideas for future planning. There is also exclusive help, advice and key reference information providing members with support on a wide variety of topics and with further email support if necessary.

Caring Magazine

Our e-newsletter is published several times a year - it's packed with informative features plus useful hints, tips and advice on contemporary health and social care topics. Helping keep awareness of the benefits and your commitment to your staff team.

Caring Workshops

Not only when you first start out with us, but on a regular basis to ensure that your staff are informed and can plan their family care needs as far ahead as possible and can then review these based on the latest information.

With options for your company or individual staff to take it further at any stage, with bespoke supplementary services by arrangement and personal care planning.